I can’t thank you enough for jumping in and taking on the court of appeals mess… You did an amazing job on the response!
Our comprehensive intellectual property practice includes counseling in the handling and licensing of trade secrets, as well as lawsuits to protect those secrets when misappropriated. We review trade secret controls to see if there are adequate controls and agreements in place to identify and maintain trade secret status of proprietary information.
We have secured court injunctions from the use and dissemination of misappropriated trade secrets. In one of our recent cases, a sales person with access to trade secret customer lists and vendor lists, and pricing, jumped ship and signed on with a new competitor and started making sales to those very customers, at lower prices. A quick law suit against the employee for misappropriation of trade secrets was able to secure an injunction of further use of the confidential information. Coupled with a notification letter to the new competitors, the activity was curtailed.